About us
Upgrade the system.
Protect the environment.
More value for all.
It is the Renewable Energy Agency’s (Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien – AEE) mission to convince people of the benefits of the energy transition (Energiewende). We provide information about the opportunities and advantages of sustainable energy supply and promote more social acceptance for it. As a team of experts in scientific analysis, power economy and energy policy, as well as communications professionals and event managers, we work hard to excite people about the expansion of renewable energies.
Independent and diverse: We work on national level, are politically independent and geared to the requirements of our target groups and across different generations. Despite all rumors, our everyday public relations work operates without any public funding and is instead completely covered by the private sector: various companies and associations from the renewable energies sector support our work with an annual contribution. In addition, we constantly endeavor to acquire public funds for our projects. By no means has our everyday work ever been a self-reliant surefire success. In the following you will find information on our core expertise, our media formats and services, all of which we have been developing and implementing with great success since 2005.
What We Want
Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energies are available in unlimited quantities. Therefore, a future that is both sustainable and rich of energy can only be ensured by the use of renewable power sources. The number one of climate protectors, renewables are indispensable for creating a livable environment – here and now, and for future generations. These green technologies generate jobs and strengthen local value creation; the energy transition thus safeguards Germany as an attractive industrial location.
The Renewable Energy Agency – Your Professional All-Rounder
All-round communication on renewable energy, optimally designed and organized, and from one single source: Are you looking for meaningful information, up-to-date numbers and facts, as well as convincing visual material on renewable energy? Do you need excellently networked and up-to-date support for your communication strategy or competent speakers on all topics regarding energy transition? We provide efficient advice, along with reliable information, well-founded arguments as well as professional press and publicity work. We are looking forward to collaborating with you in planning and developing customized communication formats, special events and information material for your specific interests or that of your target groups.
Join Us to Become Part of the Positive Energy Transition Story
Successful energy transition stories are worth telling – and so is yours! Become a visible part of this same story and support AEE’s positive communication around renewable energies. We orchestrate content in an engaging manner and manage events to address target groups with pinpoint precision and inspire them. We generate more attention: With our help, you will be able to appear among our annually published 5,000 articles, reports and contributions in nationwide specialist and general-interest media outlets, including radio and TV. Our experts will help you to showcase your success stories through background talks and roundtable discussions, and organize visits to your company locations during press tours with up to 25 media representatives. Allow us to portray your projects as thrilling case examples in our magazine “KOMM:MAG” (in German language, circulation of 5,000 issues). With your presence on our website (approx. 200,000 visitors annually) or on our social media channels (over 5,000 followers), you will be connected with exclusive political, industrial, administrative, scientific and media representatives from the renewable energies community.
Bettina Bischof
Renewable Energy Agency
EUREF-Campus 16, 10829 Berlin
Phone: +49 30200535 42
Email: b.bischof@unendlich-viel-energie.de
Social Media