Our background papers in the series Renews Kompakt offer a short overview and precise information on technological, economic and political aspects of renewable energies.
We have translated only very few of our background papers into English. Please visit our German language website to see the full range of our background papers.
Renewables in road transport - Gearing up for more market share?
RENEWS KOMPAKT Issue 32 / September 2016 - Decarbonisation still in the distant future, though technologies are available
BAEDEKER Travel Guide "Germany - Experience Renewable Energy"
Your guide to the home of Energiewende
Opinions on Renewables- A look at polls in industrialised countries
This background paper examines selected surveys from major industrialised countries and compares their results to one another in the context of energy and socio-political issues.
talking cards
The brochure provides an up to date overview of important data and trends on the development of renewable energies in Germany and beyond.
Renewables in the transport sector –which routes are open?
This background paper points at existing barriers and opportunities for expanding renewables in the transport sector.
About the Renewable Energies Agency
The German Renewable Energies Agency provides advocacy for a swift and complete transition to a sustainable energy supply. This flyer provides a quick overview about our work and international activities.
Lessons from existing debunking efforts in Germany
This background paper reveals that local community participation is a crucial factor for social acceptance of RE.
Cost to consumers
This background paper shows that a fairer cost allocation mechanism of the feed-in tariff is needed
Biogas and Organic Farming
In the organic farming and nature conservation communities, scepticism towards biogas production is still widespread. However, as this paper shows, biogas holds many opportunities in store for organic farming.
Social Media